Sunday, June 14, 2009

if you like him only when you’re feeling weak
and you dream of better men when you’re asleep,
then perhaps the strongest one in you
wants to tell your heart that you can do
without all these warm sleepy weekends, neverending hugs,
neverending yes and nightly wishing good-night.

if you’re feeling tired in a restless way
and you have the same sensation every day,
don’t marry him.
nobody wants you to do it.
he doesn’t want it either and
if he says so, he is merely deluded.
what spark of secret joy
would shine in such unsecret disguise?
which hero in your army
would approve of your refusing to get wounded?

if you think true life is in a different city
and you see no truth in marrying out of pity,
don’t marry him.
there are better reasons
you may not even know.
there may be more comfort on the streets
than in a sorry place to rest your feet.


de vries said...

The beginning of each stanza is
very Dottie Parker and so is each end.
This is meant to be a funny comment
so please, don't take it as a reprimand.

Been following you're writings and
growing ever more fond of them.
Keep it up, and i'll follow
god knows were or when.



R. paschoal said...

People get married by the wrong reasons only to discover that true love is in someone else, after all...

If there's, actually, a true love for all of us.



Spindulys said...

Alas! One deeply sad song comes to my mind as I read 'a sorry place to rest your feet'... "I thought you were my boyfriend" by Magnetic Fields. Forget the lyrics/title, it's the sorrow I'm calling upon...
Been a pleasure reading you,

Rafael Mantovani said...

it is indeed a very nice sad song. Today you enlarged my musical world a little, thanks for that :-)

Anonymous said...

what a lovely writer you are

-accidental passerby

Rafael Mantovani said...

what a lovely comment :-) thank you

non-accidental passerby